November/December 2020
Education Health Center Initiative Home Page
Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
Mathematica Resources for GME Expansion in California
Beyond Flexner Alliance: Social Mission in Health Professions Education
Fitzhugh Mullen Institute for Health Workforce Equity
An American Crisis: The Lack of Black Men in Medicine (May 2017)
Making Anti-Racism a Core Value in Academic Medicine (August 2020)
Race, Metaphor, and Myth in Academic Medicine (October 2020)
HRSA Health Workforce State Profiles
HRSA Health Workforce Research
HRSA National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
Compendium of Federal Data Sources to Support Health Workforce Analysis
HRSA Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)
HRSA Teaching Health Center GME Program (THCGME)
Sign up for the HP-ET Slack Group - Email:
Community Colleges as Provider Pathways - Academic Articles by E. Talamantes
Med students, physicians need social mission education now more than ever (July 2020)